I mean, annoyed and frustrated to the point of anger.
Which for me is good I suppose since when I'm angry I get things done.
But I am angry at the vicious cycle that is PPD/PPA.
If I don't exercise, I get apathetic.
If I'm apathetic, then obviously I don't care to exercise anymore, or eat healthy, or clean my house, or...you get it.
But the only way to get OUT of my "funk" it to exercise and get the endorphins pumpin'!
And then I finally get some fantastic "plan" I'm thinking is fool proof, and then I realize, oh wait- It's a huge friggin' DISASTER!
We were doing super good and had a great "groove" for about a month (and change) where The Hubs and I were both exercising daily (or so) and were eating SUPER good, and he was happy to come hang with the kids and I was happy to let him do his thing so I could do mine.
And then all the tests hit. Which meant no studying at home, which meant I was on my own to figure something out for exercise.Which means I have to stay home because the only way it was happening was if I do it here due to the lack of any sort of running stroller.
So that's when I realized, well, if I'm gonna meet this goal, I'm going to have to do it on my own apparently. Because relying on The Hubs isn't going to work apparently.
And then a friend offered to let me borrow her side-by-side stroller for running, except one HUGE problem: One kid is 40 lbs. and the other is about 16 lbs. A large amount of weight on one side, and next to no weight on the other...Now imagine that in a side-by-side stroller (assuming the 40 lbs. alone didn't make it reach it's max load weight): I'd be running in circles!!!
Enter Phil & Ted's dream-boat of a stroller:
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Picture from Amazon.com |
But remember how I'm whining? Well then this post wouldn't be complete without noting the PRICE TAG on one of these babies, and then remembering the whole "student" thing...GOSH DANG!!
What do YOU do for exercise? How do you work it with TWO young kids?
Ok, so how am I going to change this? How am I going to dig in my cleats, put on my big girl panties and fix it? Because (since we're honestly speaking) I can't make more money appear. I also can't control how my brain is responding to certain stimuli or the lack thereof. But I CAN control my future outcome and decisions I make. If I'm feeling like I don't care if I'm 'fat' or that I don't want to exercise, that's a sure red flag that I need it MOST! And so I need to do all that I can so that the outcome works for the benefit for all of us.
The only question now is HOW.
I'm finding I have the same problem of being apathetic if I don't exercise and running w/ my babies and student husband is nigh impossible. I found a kettle ball workout from Wal-Mart for about $15 (or less) which includes the kettle ball and dvd. I also do Yoga when I'm really stressed. I workout during nap/quiet time or after the kids have gone to bed. Its not perfect and my house is an absolute disaster right now but it helps tremendously and they're both really good workouts. Hope these suggestions help!
ReplyDeleteYes, I was going to say the same thing... work out videos. You can do them while Bug is napping... and I'd bet Mr. G would do them with you! Brock likes to do mine with me. I bought a 4 pack of videos for cheap at Ross. The best thing about them is that you can pop them in whenever you get the chance... no prep, no making sure the kids are fed and G's gone potty and Bug isn't hungry before you head out with the stroller. Its not running a 5k, but maybe a step towards it! Good luck.
ReplyDeleteI'm with the others on videos, find something you like, there's tons of variety, yoga, weight training, pilates, various dance forms. I really like this belly dance for weight loss dvd, because it breaks it up into 5 10 minute quickies. You'd be surprised at how much of a work out you can get in 10 minutes! Bellydance Fitness for Weight Loss featuring Rania: Daily Quickies... 5 Ten Minute Workouts http://www.amazon.com/Bellydance-Fitness-Weight-featuring-Rania/dp/B00009W0VK/ref=pd_sim_d_10
ReplyDeleteWoW. Could have written this exact same post myself! I haven't found that "magic" solution yet, that doesn't require getting up at 5:00 am. I let you know if I figure something out.
ReplyDeleteBefore I got pregnant I lost 15 pounds from walking and Wii fit. That's my plan for post baby too. But the double side-by-side weight distribution is a valid point. I say add some sacks of potatoes to Bug's side and think of it as added resistance. I've read you burn 440 cals an hour by pushing a stroller while you walk. And that's just with one!
ReplyDeleteThat Phil and Ted's stroller is pretty awesome. I saw one at the aquarium and it's fancy. But poor second kid probably feels like they're sleeping in a drawer.
Could you walk while G is in school?
I love the Jillian Michaels workout videos. They are pretty cheap through amazon and I have also seen them at Costco. They are only 20-30 minute workouts but they are hard! I am always dripping in sweat by the end! I understand how hard it is to find the time to workout when your husband is a student and always gone at school. These videos have saved me on the days that I don't want to wake up at the crack of dawn to workout before Josh leaves! Also, I have the Phil and Teds stroller and love it. My kids love it too. Zoie actually prefers to sit on the bottom, but its better to have Zack down there. I got mine at REI for about half the cost than you can find them online. I bought it at the end of last year so I got the 2009 model. It is the exact same as the 2010's, they were just getting rid of them. If you are still wanting one in December, you should check REI!