Crafty Creations

Welcome to "Dear World, I can do this." The musings of a housewife, student wife, Latter-day Saint, and individual (*GASP!* we can have an identity after marriage and motherhood?!!) . A place where we can talk about those things we always want to share with the world - A place to discuss great eats, share stories and other great tips, and enjoy successes. This is all about giving myself, and others, a VOICE.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Big Dream

I'm not obese.

But I am in no way currently "fit".

I have never been athletic - we were too poor when I was that young for me to be involved in a whole lot of extracurriculars. I know, "poor me. boo hoo."

I have two kids (a 3 yr. old boy and a 7 mo. old baby girl), and having children can do a number to your body sometimes. Especially the BIG babies - Thank you very much, son....

{Me with our son, whom I refer to as Mr. G on my blogs}

             You pickin' up what I'm throwing down? You know what I'm talking about- that lovely saggy post -baby skin. The stretch marks. The mega lack of energy from late night exhaustion and lazy eating habits. The stiff joints from being unable to move a whole ton during recovery? 

Yeah. Welcome to my hood.

My big dream is to be transitional.
Make a change. Be different.
Influence the world (or just my own little world: myself and my family) for good.

So my big dream (at this point), is to run a 5K, then a 10K, and then maybe someday a half marathon. 

My big dream is to do it with my hubby and have that picture on my wall, accomplishing this dream together. Because it'll be a LOT of hard work. 

In order to help facilitate that I also dream of really understanding foods, and really try to develop my own "Food-losiphy". 

My goal is to just know that I can. 

At this point in my life my motivation isn't for looks and just to be skinny.
{Tangent 1: So the hubs and I were watching Kung Fu panda  "under the stars" the other night when  a few 7-ish year old girls were trying to pick out which characters they'd get to 'be' in their world of pretend. One of the girls then said, 'I want to be the snake because she's so skinny'...WHAT?! You're still a baby! Why do you care about being SKINNY AT THIS AGE?!
I digress...}

I simply want to get fit and healthy just to know that I can eat healthy on my own, and that I can exercise regularly, and I can take control of my body and in consequence my mind as well, 
because I'm a woman and I can do hard things, da** it!
{I don't swear- but in my head this is what keeps me motivated. Because usually when I ever heard swears in the home or from myself it's because something was VERY serious- So this is my brain's way of making myself know I'm serious about this!}

I'm trying to get out of the mommy funk where I wait for my hubby to get home to accomplish anything. I want to do things because I'm CAPABLE, instead of whether or not I'm WILLING. 

You follow?

What's your motivation?


  1. That's a huge AMEN!!! I'm really sick of my post baby body and my baby isn't 2 months old. I'm thinking I want to have the same goal of running a 5k (let's start slow, I'm prone to over training). Love this idea!

  2. Hey Jill. Love your blog... great idea and I know you are going to do an awesome job with it. Thanks for the motivation and inspiration! Keep it comin'!


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