Crafty Creations

Welcome to "Dear World, I can do this." The musings of a housewife, student wife, Latter-day Saint, and individual (*GASP!* we can have an identity after marriage and motherhood?!!) . A place where we can talk about those things we always want to share with the world - A place to discuss great eats, share stories and other great tips, and enjoy successes. This is all about giving myself, and others, a VOICE.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dear World, I Can Do This!

HELLO! And welcome to my latest creation, "Dear World, I Can Do This..."-

I've been debating and wanting somewhere I can discuss my recent changes in perspective and renewed desire to better myself, my family, and maybe share it with those around me. My hope is to share my triumphs and maybe help those in the same boat I am along the way.

I'm brutally open and honest, and my intent will never to be offensive or insensitive in anyway- I'm just one of those outspoken "say it how I see it" kind of girls.

I made the decision a few months ago that I wanted to take control of myself again- To put all things into order and remind myself I CAN do hard things!

So along the way I plan to share:
1. My journey to becoming physical or physically fit. Whichever comes first-
2. Fun healthy recipes that aren't going to break the bank and are actually tasty!
3. Some of my own personal experiences and thoughts on things others may not be so open about, but I feel as women we should be discussing openly.
4. Fun tips I've discovered help me to stay on track, including fun "finds" in stores and in my home.

WELCOME! PLEEEASE show your love and leave some feedback as you'd like to.


  1. Try this recipe:

  2. LOOOOOVE this idea, Jill, with this blog!!!! Go you!


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