So I guess now that I've inundated everybody with recipes I should probably give an update on how I'm doing. Well, The Hubs and I are participating a Biggest Loser contest with a few other couples, and so we've been pretty obsessed with our foods and exercising. Doing so has counter-effected my PPA/PPD and I honestly feel FANTASTIC!! I finally feel excited and happy about things in general, and have been truly enjoying all these fun/healthy meals we've been cooking (hence the monstrous amounts of recipes). I feel like I'm finally filling into my shoes as a wife/mother and want to expand my creative side and have been keeping myself busy sewing, cooking, and crafting in general. It's so great to feel proud of some of my creations and know that I can do things that I always was too scared to try because I thought it would be too hard (like sewing my kids Halloween costumes).
In addition to the mental benefits of our new found health obsession (kicked into high gear by the Biggest Loser contest), The Hubs and I have both lost a good amount of weight, which has been next to IMPOSSIBLE for me to do in the past. I felt like a hamster running on a wheel, getting nowhere quick. So I was sacrificing all of these favorite indulgences for nothing. So I became slightly bitter. But these new recipe books we've found have been AMAZING. We honestly have loved EVERY recipe (with the exception of some pumpkin muffins) and haven't had the same meal twice yet...although there's a few I can't wait to get back to!
So far I've lost 9 lbs. and The Hubs has lost 14 (show off...)- We've also really enjoyed doing this all TOGETHER and not fighting the battle of one waiting for the other spouse to motivate them. He's been really good about exercising with me, or watching the kids so I can go if he's already exercised for the day.
I'm not quite ready to call myself "cured" of any sort of PPA/PPD stuff, but I will say I'm in the recovery stages...maybe. I'll let you know in a few weeks after this contest is over. ;-)
That is so exciting! There's nothing like seeing results to make you feel great! Yay, good job!