Crafty Creations

Welcome to "Dear World, I can do this." The musings of a housewife, student wife, Latter-day Saint, and individual (*GASP!* we can have an identity after marriage and motherhood?!!) . A place where we can talk about those things we always want to share with the world - A place to discuss great eats, share stories and other great tips, and enjoy successes. This is all about giving myself, and others, a VOICE.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Reach REALLY Far- I'm talking core of the EARTH far!

Do you find it VERY hard to do anything productive?


The stuff that we generally hate anyways? 

For me it seems like I gotta reach SUPER far down into my "reservoir" of focus and energy to get it done. I'm talking deep as it gets!

Do you have a hard time accomplishing those tasks? How do you manage it all on your own (if your hubby isn't available to help)?

LOTS of tips would be GREAT! ;-)


  1. For sure! Cleaning the bathroom is my hardest chore. Not a big fan of dishes either. It helps though to not try and do it all in one day. I recently bought myself a dry-erase board with the days of the week on it, and then I plan out what I'm going to do each day, like Monday do laundry, Tues clean bathroom, Wed phone calls/bills, Thurs Vacuum. Etc. It feels so much more manageable that way, and then I can cross things off. Unfortunately, dishes are just never ever completely "DONE"!

  2. I've always wanted to make and stick to a calendar like that. I deal with the same distaste for cleaning and now I'm dealing with the inability to do so. I just can't bend down and pick up stuff off the floor right now! One thing I have been doing really well with is dishes. I do them as soon as they're dirty. It's really not as bad to do 2 plates real quick and put them in the dishwasher. I try to make sure my dishwasher is always ready for dirty dishes meaning I empty it as soon as possible so there is no excuse to just leave something in the sink, on counter, in living room... I'm also training Ellie to put her used dishes in the sink so I don't always have to round them up.

  3. Dori from finding nemo is my inspiration. I get up and start going, then sing to myself "just keep swimming, just keep swimming"

  4. Music. I don't know what it is about having music playing that helps me focus on the chores I need to get done, but it's what gets me off my tush and into whatever room needs cleaning. Plus, Grace loves to dance while I scrub, so it's a bonus. She just learned how to "shake her tailfeather."


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